This was my inspiration! The Yellow Cape Cod blogged about a makeover done by whitewashing brick. I debated about whether I could do it.
You see I am in.patient! If I start a project I want it completed. I searched the internet for directions and got several lots of different techniques. The type of paint ended up being confusing also. I finally decided I could do it. And did. It was a quick makeover.
And my next inspiration came from Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality. Oh her house renovation has been so exciting to watch this year.

This is how she added trim to her hallway. My house is a 79 split entry also, Back in the day when long hallways led to the bedrooms and baths. This picture shows her trim before the hardwood floors.
My hallway already had a chair rail that I added several years ago. Since it was too low for board and batten I decided to go with the picture frame moldings. One short afternoon project for me since I did the cutting and nailing via the trusty nail gun. Mr. Spouse did the chalking and I touched up the paint. (I painted with semi-gloss in ultra white prior to adding the boxes.
All in all, these are two transformations that have made me smile! And they are inspired from others!
Hi, Jeanne, yay for you on those 2 projects. THey look great, love how you added the boxes below the chairrail. Really makes a difference in your hallway!